COOL-SHOT for Worker Comfort and Heat Stress Management
Spot Cooling is primarily used in to help manage worker heat stress in specific locations, or “spots”, providing a stream of cooler and dehumidified air compared to the overall area.
Typically refrigerated spot cooling is about ten degrees warmer than typical “air conditioning” temperatures with an objective to improve the workers’ conditions. Spot cooling is not “air conditioning” a space and spot cooling will have negligible effectiveness outside of the supply air location.
EPI-Vision Environmental Monitoring and Verification System
The new EPI-Vision is a remote monitoring and verification system which provides real time visibility of key Food and Occupant Safety Environmental Performance Indicators (EPI). When outside established parameters, EPI-Vision provides notifications which may directly impact Food Safety, Workers Heat Stress, and Product Quality.
The Scavenger oven waste heat recovery system was developed to provide a lower initial cost while still providing all the benefits of our workhorse Sustainable Waste Heat Management System. Used primarily in applications without oxidizers, this modular packaged system provides for a phased approach ideal when line upgrades are planned or boilers require replaced while providing a rapid return on investment.