Chilled Process Ingredient Water System with new BHX Technology© – an introduction

Many types of food processors require batched chilled ingredient water for process applications – typically the colder the better. Numerous sources exist for these ingredient water chillers, most common being open plate and closed heat exchanger systems, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Air Management Technologies’ new Patent Pending Chilled Process Water with BHX Technology© provides the advantages of both systems while eliminating the inherent design disadvantages which may impact performance, temperature reliability, energy, and potential food safety concerns.

Our new BHX Technology©, which stands for Balanced Heat Exchange, supplies a consistent volume and constant 33F to 34F temperature of chilled water for process batching operations without freezing refrigeration components while avoiding contamination risk.  This provides provides enhanced Food Safety, Energy, and Environmental benefits with same or decreased installed cost compared with “traditional systems”.   BHX Technology© as the name implies uses the synergies of various associated processes to create a system that actually “pays” for itself when compared to traditional systems with no comprise on performance.

Food Safety:

Chilled Process Water with BHX Technology© is a closed-system which decreases the risk of exposure to bacteria, molds, dirt, and other contaminants when compared to open systems since the water is never exposed to atmosphere or stored in a non-pressurized sump. Additionally required sanitation measures with open systems may actually pose additional risk with human interface, foreign objects, and various chemical compounds.  BHX Technology© utilizes double wall heat exchangers and maintains higher pressurization on the process water side of equipment eliminating the possibility of a glycol breach into the ingredient water, unlike open systems and a majority of closed systems.

Lower Operation Cost:

Chilled Process Water with BHX Technology© provides a significantly lower operational cost than competing equipment.  As a stand-alone system, energy savings from reduced pump horsepower,  labor cost and related cleaning chemicals can save in excess of $10,000 per year.  Additional substantial cost savings are available when integrated into our suite of Closed-Loop Energy Systems or optional sustainable technologies.

Lower Capital Cost:

Chilled Process Water with BHX Technology©  has a lower installed capital investment compared to traditional systems – in many facilities it may be located in process areas right at the point of use saving significant infrastructure cost associated with electrical, refrigeration, and piping utilities.  Our system also does not require a mechanical room, eliminating the need for expensive mechanical room space.  Where process does not allow, even the largest systems may be housed in a simple roof mounted fiberglass enclosure.  Pre-packaged solutions allow for a simple installation with standard utility connection points.

Source Refrigeration

Chilled Process Water with BHX Technology© systems may source cooling from new or existing glycol systems, or other refrigerants which may already be required for mixer jackets along with capabilities to operate as a stand alone solution.  The flexibility to use a secondary refrigerant decreases total facility refrigerant inventory levels providing associated environmental and regulatory benefits.  Compared to traditional systems, equipment sizing is reduced to handle average loads and not peak loads through our storage and proprietary control logic.


We have previously noted how our Chilled Process Water with BHX Technology© reduces electrical energy usage, which equates into Greenhouse Gas reductions and Environmental Stewardship.  In addition, through the use of Industrial Heat Pumps “free” heating can be provided to proofers, as well as hot water for sanitation and or oven steam preheating. Water-side economizer options exist to provide pre-cooling of the water whenever the outside air temperature is below the incoming city water temperature reducing the energy used by refrigeration systems.

Closed-Loop Energy System

Chilled Process Water with BHX Technology© is part of Air Management Technologies’ family of Closed-Loop Energy Systems, a scalable suite of supporting utilities which harnesses the synergies of Food Processing production thermal supporting processes.  These systems reduce energy, capital cost, and environmental liabilities by incorporating synergies which create process efficiencies relating to Food Safety, Environmental, and Energy. Closed-Loop Energy Systems include Chilled Water, Glycol Refrigeration, Water Heating, Proofers, Basket Washing, Heat Recovery, Cookers, and similar thermal processes.

Please contact us if interested in learning more about our new Chilled Process Water with BHX Technology System or Closed-Loop Waste Energy Systems from Air Management Technologies.



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